In this tutorial, you'll learn how to install Resilio Sync on Debian 11. This should work for any debian based operating system, such as Ubuntu as well.
A lot of people I know have been having trouble installing resilio sync, especially for the first time. The article here works pretty well if you sorta understand what you're doing, however if you're not quite sure its a completely different story. This article should serve as a more simple explanation of how to get everything set up and working properly
Installing and setting up the package
In this tutorial, we'll be installing Resilio using the repository method. Alternatives include using a Docker image as well as manually installing the package, and there are guides for those methods in other places as well if you'd rather use one of them.
First you'll want to type the following in order to add the repository to your operating system. This just makes sure your machine knows where to download the packages from.
echo "deb resilio-sync non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/resilio-sync.list
Next you'll need to add the GPG key to the repository. This verifies the package and makes sure everything's nice and secure.
You may not have the curl package installed, so before running this, you should type
sudo apt install curl
just in case.
wget -qO- | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/resilio-sync.asc > /dev/null 2>&1
After you're done with that, feel free to run
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
to make sure everything's up to date.
Then, type
sudo apt install resilio-sync
to download and install the program.
Resilio Configuration
To configure resilio, you'll need to head over to the configuration file. This is usually located at /etc/resilio-sync/config.json
To open the file, type
sudo nano /etc/resilio-sync/config.json
and press enter.
From there, navigate down until you reach the section entitled "webui".
Continue scrolling down, and when you see the line that says
"listen" : ""
You'll want to replace it with the following
"listen" : ""
This will allow for connections outside of the machine that Resilio is running on, which is necessary if you don't plan on using the interface from that computer specifically.
press control + x to leave nano and press y if prompted
then, type
sudo systemctl enable resilio-sync && sudo systemctl start resilio-sync
to start the program.
Connecting to the web interface
So now you should be all set up! All you should need to do now is head over to your IP address and follow the setup as it tells you to.
I hope this tutorial was helpful!
Hi Matthew, thanks for the guide.
I only had problems with the signature of the package. I had to install gnupg and add the signature manually.
Can you please reveal which folder would be perfect and Debian to create the syncs?
Is it “/home/rslsync/Resilio Sync/Share 1” or somewhere else?
The user folder, “/home/rslsync”, usually works. Any folder with the correct permissions will work though. I’ll look into the issue you were having with adding the package signature.