Since I started hosting my own instance of Azuracast a year or two ago, I've tried a wide variety of setups, attempting to get things configured just like I want them. In doing this, I've learned quite a lot about networking and reverse proxies in particular. I've created this post to share some of that knowledge with you in a simple and to the point manner.
How to Reenable the Higher Quality Siri Voices on iOS 17 for Voiceover
After joining the iOS 17 beta programs this last June, I noticed that the voice I was using for Voice over had changed. Although it was technically the same voice, the file size of the voice was a tenth or less of what it was before, and with that size deflation also came a rather drastic change in the quality of the voice. It had gone from clear and easily understandable to sounding like a drunk; cutting off bits of words and slurring at higher rates of speech.
This was unacceptable. Browsing through social media with this voice was an awful experience, and so rather than stick with that voice I switched to another... Until today.
How to Install WordPress on Debian
In this article, I'll show you how to install MariaDB and PHP, as well as wordpress.
In my last article, I walked you through the process of installing Nginx as well as certbot to get your website off the ground. If you haven't set up Nginx or Certbot, and you want to set up wordpress, you should go back to that article and follow those instructions by clicking here, since this article assumes you've just completed all the steps laid out there.
How to set up a Simple Website using Nginx and Letsencrypt on Debian
In this tutorial, I'll be explaining how to set up Nginx's latest mainline version as well as Letsencrypt Certbot on Debian 11.
This is something a few friends and I have been needing to do recently, and I wanted to make sure there was an easy to understand resource to go through the setup as it isn't as easy as simply running sudo apt install nginx.
How to install Resilio Sync on Debian
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to install Resilio Sync on Debian 11. This should work for any debian based operating system, such as Ubuntu as well.
A lot of people I know have been having trouble installing resilio sync, especially for the first time. The article here works pretty well if you sorta understand what you're doing, however if you're not quite sure its a completely different story. This article should serve as a more simple explanation of how to get everything set up and working properly
Apple Airpods Pro, My Review
A few weeks ago, my friend who happens to be decent at recommendations for headphones and things of that sort said to me that I should consider getting Apple Airpods Pro as my Raycon E55's are getting a little older. Three years of every-day usage really tends to be able to wear most pieces of technology out, and so I said that I'd give them a look.
So now that Christmas is over and I've had the headphones for about a week and a half, I figured I'd throw out a bit of my opinion on them.